Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Many Purposes of a Blog

I am sure if I asked you to think of the purposes of a blog, you would mention supporting others, venting feelings, connecting with people, showing off pictures ... the list goes on and on.

But today I am glad I have a blog because I will need it in preparing our taxes. And in a few weeks it will become important as we testify in court.

Mileage for things like going to Chemical Dependency Treatment Family Week are tax deductible... so I have been going back through blogs to get dates for those kinds of trips. And my list is a long one. ;-)

And then, since MIke is pleading not guilty for stealing our car and we have been subpoenaed to appear in court and testify on behalf of the county attorney, I will go back and read all the details of that week before I testify, knowing that I reported them accurately.

One other purpose of a blog is to point people's attention to other things that, in my opinion, are important. And today there is such a thing.

About 11 years ago I met someone online. She and I and one other woman here in MN became instant online friends through an old AOL adoption message board. We were all in the process of finishing our home studies to adopt waiting children. And, within the next 21 months our three families together would adopt 21 children. At that point in time we thought that would be a wonderful slogan for a show on Oprah where she might give us washers and dryers or something, but it never happened.

Fast forward several more years and I think we are at 32 kids between the 3 families. We have kept in touch over the years and seen each other off and on. And now, finally, one of these friends is being nominated for something and needs to win! Not only does she deserve it, but her winning this award would spread awareness throughout our state about older child adoption. And, in addition, the charity that she has selected to receive a donation is MOFAS -- the Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

On a personal note, the story you will read on the website for the Woman of the Year is more than accurate, even though it was written by her mom (mother's can be biased). But she does not exaggerate the sacrifices that Michele has made over the years. So, if I don't have you convinced yet, head to the website and read her story and vote for her ... today and every day until the contest is over. I'd love to post here in a few weeks that she has won!

And, if you would like to share this site on your blog or among your friends that would be great too!

Way to go, Michele for making the top ten!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Michele!! I put a link on my blog too! ~Kari
