Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Those Moments

Tonight I went to a routine wrestling "banquet" held at a local pizza place. Ricardo went with me, but of course, did not sit with me. I didn't mind though. I was enjoying my evening of relative peace and my diet coke.

As you will recall, Ricardo has never once wrestled. He started this year as a sixth grader, and was moved to the Jr. high because of his age at the end of first quarter. By the 2nd week of his Jr. High Wrestling season, the varsity coaches had asked him to wrestle varsity.

Tonight I was both shocked and VERY proud to sit there as he was given a letter (he lettered as a 7th grader who had NEVER wrestled before) AND to watch him receive a plaque. His team mates had all voted on the best new wrestler and he received the award. His grin when I told him how proud I was of him as we walked to the van was priceless.

There are lots of moments in parenting -- the not so great ones, and the great ones.

And this one, was one of those great moments. And the memory will never go away for either of us, regardless of what the future holds.