Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sadie's Essay

Sadie wrote this essay for a contest at school:

Right and Wrong

I thought and thought about choosing between right and wrong and I think that I got it now. I live in a family of 14 and some people in my family did some bad things. In making my own decisions about right and wrong, I do not want to follow my siblings who made bad choices.

There are a few of my brothers who have not done very many good things. Like for example, one of my brothers has stolen a car , given tattoos, gone drinking and, trust me, a lot more. Then I have another brother that has done not so good things like drinking, breaking our windows, and threatening other people. But you know what? They get help and right now one is in jail and the other one is in a detention facility. Both of them try but they have hard times too. I know that they can do anything that they put their minds to. Although they might not be able to come back home, I still love them as no other person. I know that people are not the same but in some ways we are and we have to live with the mistakes we make but my brothers do that if they are in jail or a detention facility. They know what they did and they want to change. And I know that no matter how many times they make mistakes, they can still change if they want to just like we all can.

So I think that by me telling a few of the things that a couple of my brothers did I think that maybe I could change my life by not going down that road and going on the right road. I don’t want to go down the wrong road. I think that we can all change our lives and we can all make a difference no matter how bad it gets because God will always forgive us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice. This shows that she gets it. No matter what happens you know that you taught her right from wrong.

