Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank You for Your Comments

Well, it looks like I have lots of new readers I haven't known about yet, which is very cool.

What is not so cool is that it is possible that the consensus is that I might be beginning menopause, which makes me feel older than I want to. ;-)

I also thought it was interesting that so many of us are in the same boat in regards to sleeping and stress. Last night I went to bed quite early, and was up and leaving for the Y by 5:10. It's hard going to sleep knowing that there are kids still awake, but the older ones seem to be getting themselves to bed well lately.

I have no appointments until 1:30 so I am hoping to accomplish much before I run out of steam.

Welcome, new readers, and thanks for your comments. I know that my blog hasn't been as informative as it has been in the past. Maybe if someone has something they'd like my opinion on (I have a zillion) you could leave a comment and I could try and respond to those -- spur me on to something more interesting than my sleep patterns or my to do list for the day...


  1. I actually wondered, it seems as though you leave the kids at home alone at least on occasion. I find myself unable to do that with my 14 y.o. son, as he's gotten into stuff when left alone, that I am terrified to come back to a burned down house or something along those lines. Do you hire babysitters or do you just count on the other kids that you trust more? How do you do it??

  2. You said we could suggest a topic for you to write about...Please write about FASD kids going into middle school. My son is in 5th grade and off to middle school next year.

    My son's biggest problem in school is work refusal. I also think he is topping out on being at grade level, they are trying to put him in all regular classes next year and I think it is going to lead to a report full of F's...reads a 3rd grade level, writes at 2nd grade level, they say he is at grade level with math, yet he doesn't know his multiplication tables and yesterday the question was 'what is 1/2 of 10' he said 12. How is that 5th grade level? I am less worried about academics and more worried about him hating school, dropping out, starting to use drugs, running away, etc. What kind of control do I have over that type of thing?

    We are a family who home schools Christianity. We don't have a church. A friend told me last night our son will have a better chance of making good choices if we take him to church. It sounds good in principle, but I am not so sure. FASD doesn't lend it self to making good decisions no matter what you are taught. He also has RAD, so he doesn't really care what we think.

    Thanks for any words of wisdom.
