Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wilson and I at the Movie

Yesterday I decided that I had spent enough of Easter break working and not enough time with the kids. So I offered to take all the kids to a movie. It sounded like a fun time -- the older kids could choose between two showing at the same time (G or PG-13), and the younger kids could see the G movie. This is how it went:

Rand and Jimmy decided not to go.

Dominyk refused to go when I announced there would be no snacks provided.

Salinda was in the tub and decided she didn't want to go.

Sadie was excited to go, but then she didn't get ready in time because she fiddled around until Salinda was in the bedroom getting dressed (don't ask me why they can't both be in there at the same time ... I have no idea)

So, that left me with Tony, Ricardo and Leon, all who wanted to watch the PG-13 movie, which I was planning to see. SO, I changed my mind, not wanting Wilson to go to see Horton Hears a Who alone.

So he and I went together. He commented that the chair "always does this thing" which is pretty much suck him down inside it because he's so small. Above shows him being swallowed by the seat - but the lighting is not good, and no matter how much I tried to fix it, cell phone pictures in the dark are really not very clear.

But we had a great time together. It was fun to listen to him giggle and the movie was cute -- a nice story, as you know, about commitment, follow through, and courage.

I meant what I said and I said what I meant, an elephant is faithful, 100 percent.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, how could you not change your mind and go to a movie with that little boy? He's so sweet looking.

    Angela :-)
