Saturday, March 22, 2008

The View Out My Window

I realize that Easter is early. I know that, of all the men in the world, I chose to marry a MInnesotan, which was really, smart in every way except his choice of a place to live. And I am very aware of the fact that there are worse things than a light spring snow shower. You can't see it because of the screen, but the slow is slowly drifting down, accumulating more and more each moment. Actually, a pretty beautiful sight if you can pretend like it's Christmas.

But come ON! Tomorrow is EASTER and we're supposed to be wearing frilly easter dresses and our legs are supposed to be showing and we're supposed to think about sunshine and bunnies and eggs (an Easter Egg hunt in the snow)?

Sigh. There are so many other places in the world to live.


  1. Wow, it's gonna be 72 degrees and my young'uns are wearing shorts to the Easter egg hunt. Bragging ain't I?

  2. It may be 22 degrees here tomorrow morning, but I am wearing sandals anyway! And no nylons either (ICK on them at any rate).
    A Blessed Easter to you all...
