Friday, April 11, 2008

And it Does Get Better

Bart let me take a mental health day. I spent from 9 until 2:30 at Dunn Brothers alone. NObody interrupted me (well, except a few phone callers on my cell). I took care of a hoard of emails. It was a productive few hours.

And my meeting was good as well. It was about John. One of the workers at the county that has been out advocate for a long time has had the case transferred to her and we are going to see him next week to try to convince him that a group home setting as he transitions to adulthood would be a good plan.

Salinda texted me between classes finally apologizing for her attitude. We still haven't found the keys. I am still very tired and ate too much to comfortably fit in my stomach, so I am not feeling physically well, but emotionally I have recovered substantially. I may try to lie down for a while, but the house is buzzing with adolescent humans, and sometimes that doesn't go so well.

Bart and I are both feeling a little bit listless and unmotivated, not a good combination. Usually one of us is feeling up to the things and the other isn't. When we are both out of it things can be challenging.

But I'll get there. It may take a while, but I'll have myself back in shape in no time.

1 comment:

  1. An apology is a big thing dontcha think? Or is it like the MANY apology notes from my son that meant nothing?

    Glad you got a day of peace.

