Saturday, April 12, 2008

8 Hours

I slept for 8 hours!!!! I'm thrilled. And I woke up with some enthusiasm about the things I have to/get to do today, which is unusual as lately I have dreaded most everything. I gave myself the luxury, since it was still only 6:15 when I woke up, to lie there a while and plan how I would tackle the tasks of my day.

Salinda miraculously "found" the keys when I asked her to look for them. I explained to her that she needed to apologize to Bart. I will keep reminding her. And no, her apology yesterday was not that big of a deal (responding to Jen's comment/question) it was forced and meant little, but I still make my kids go through the motions of apologizing even if they don't mean it. I figure then maybe later they will get it.

We all went to bed fairly peacefully last night and we will probably have a pretty lazy day around here. There are supposed to be snow flurries again and I would whine some more about having to live in MInnesota, but even I'm tired of that theme. Our new boys are just so tired of cold. They were used to Dallas where they could play outside almost year round and this has been a very long winter for them.

Time to get my nose to the grindstone and get some of this stuff done!

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