Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Anticipating Summer

Another 5 weeks or so and it will be summer. School will be out. I have started thinking about what summer means and I must confess that I am not excited about some of those things. Summer means bored children and me attempting to do my job while attempting to keep them happy and occupied. Summer means that the teenagers in town get a little carried away and wild, and Salinda usually wants to head down that road. Fortunately she is on probation, so hopefully that should carry her through the summer without too much difficulty.

i am excited about some things though. No more rides to school, shorts and sandals instead of jeans and socks, a more relaxed schedule....

but most of all I am experience a strong amount of anticipatory grief at losing my time alone.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. I work at home and with just the two pre-school age kiddos I sometimes feel like I'm about to go around the bend.

    Adding four more to that for the summer will not be fun and none of them do well when they are off routine.
