Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Facing Another Battle

I didn’t sleep well last night at all. I’d be surprised if I got a total of three restless hours. That does not prepare me well for the battle ahead.

I have to take Salinda to therapy and last night she presented yet another unplanned, unreasonable request. She does not plan well and gets herself into messes. Then of course, we have to bale her out of the messes. But, if we say no ahead of time, we subject ourselves to torture -- with her being very hateful to the whole family to punish us for saying no.

My plan is to discuss this with the therapist present ... to explain to her why the last three times we ended up agreeing to one of her plans she ended up caught in a situation full of drama, tears, and pain for herself, and thus for all of us. I am going to explain to her that it is because I love her that I would say no, not the opposite.

I am a positive thinker. I am an optimist. But I can guarantee you this is not going to go well.

And I do not have the emotional energy necessary to deal with her today, making me angry at myself for getting to this point of exhaustion.

I know that if I am tired, I do not handle my life well. But lately there are times when just cannot sleep... as you well know from my whining about it before.

So I will plow through the day and probably attempt a nap this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I work off shifts and I used to struggle with sleep. Now, most nights, I take one benadryl and sleep so well. I have noticed a big difference in my mood. I wake up happy. Give it a try. I buy the Target generic, diphenhydramine.

    Don't use Tylenol PM or Advil PM. Too much pain reliever is tough on your kidneys or liver depending on which med you use.
