Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Anything Can Happen on a Snow Day

Of course, nothing really happened EXCEPT what was expected to happen.. which was that the unexpected brought expected arguments, meltdowns, fights, etc. for about the first two hours the kids were home. They were all here by 11:15, but by 1:00 things seemed to settle down fairly well and the rest of the day was fine. Leon, WIlson and Tony spent hours playing in the snow and actually had a great time. They had this picture taken to send to their sister. They have some trouble remembering that just because it is April does not mean it is time for shorts.

It doesn't seem necessary for me to continue to lament the fact that it is April and we have several inches of snow in the yard as it won't make any difference. However, driving through a winter wonderland was certainly not my plan two weeks into Spring.

I was at the YMCA by 5:15 again this morning. If you want to read about my progress on that front you can go to my shrinking slob blog.

I'm on the road today since I couldn't go yesterday. And as always, my to do list is longer than my day. Bart leaves today for Nashville, where it is much warmer and that means I will be cooking (or the kids will) for the rest of the week.


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