Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Reaching a New Stage

I didn't plan my week to be the way it is turning out to be, but we're fine. The huge snow storm on Monday that cancelled school, cancelled an out-of-town trip I needed to take, so I had to reschedule for yesterday. But that meant it was going to be a crazy evening and Bart was out of town.

I left Rand, Sadie and Jimmy in charge of supper and Rand in charge of the pick-ups from school that the PCA doesn't do, and headed out around 12:30. I got home at 5:35 and had to leave again at 5:50 for Sadie's 7th grade registration meeting. I had called from the road and given instructions and sure enough, I walked in to sit down to a wonderful meal of spaghetti. It tasted great. I left then, with instructions for Rand to take several of the boys to the YMCA.

The evening was very peaceful and I actually went to bed at 9:15 and took Dominyk with me. We were asleep by 9:30 and apparently everyone got themselves off to bed because they are all there now.

It's nice to be at a stage in our lives with a combination of children that with a little creative manuevering can be left home for periods of time alone and can put together a full, delicious meal.

Tonight we eat at church though, and I'm glad I won't have the hassle of cooking. But the kids are all excited that tomorrow there will be beans. It's my tradition to make black beans and rice when Bart is out of town and they look forward to that and my homemade salsa.

We're missing Bart, but so far we're doing OK. There are no major stressors this week (those are coming in the next two weeks as we face three separate court hearings) but this week is just business as usual.

I'm off to start the morning routine!

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