Sunday, April 06, 2008

Hugs, Confusion, and Viagra

I just realized I hadn't blogged yet today, which is pretty amazing for me. If I don't get it done early in the morning them sometimes I forget.

Tony took this shot of Wilson hugging me last night. He's so adorable and so fun to hug.

Today we had a bit of a confusing time. I didn't take my cell phone to church and we decided to meet after church for a brunch buffet. I got there with half the kids and Bart didn't come, and didn't come, and didn't come. We finished eating and he still hadn't come. Sadie had a friend with her, so we used her cell phone to finally contact him and he had been talking to a parishioner. Apparently Dominyk, who had asked to ride with him, came screaming curse words through the church foyer. Bart decided to just take the other kids to Wendy's and be done with it. But that 40 minutes where I didn't know where he was were disconcerting. Guess we rely on our cell phones too much.

Bart picked up a prescription today (for either diabetes or high blood pressure) and Napoleon asked if it was viagra.

Having huggable kids who like me and have a good sense of humor is really taking some getting used to. Not that our other kids haven't been fun or lovable, but in different ways. But these guys LIKE me. It's just so odd.

Bart blogged more about his day here.

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