Monday, April 07, 2008


If my IPhone gets out of my site, pictures like this end up on it.

I probably have blogged about this before, but I am one of those folks who wakes up happy almost every day until something changes my mind. I like new things. New days, new weeks, new months, new years, fresh chances.

I believe that we always have a chance to start again fresh. I believe that we can each change ourselves, and thus the world around us simply by choosing to do so. I never believe that a situation is too far gone, or that there is no hope, or that we can't make a difference.

I especially like Mondays when I have no appointments. The kids are safe in school where they should be (smile) and I can focus on what I need to get done. And right now, I have a lot to do.

The rest of this week and all of next week I have at least one thing on my schedule each day so I'm going to enjoy my day at my desk. And, fortunately this weekend I had time to clean of my desk, so I get to start my day working in an organized work space.

Well, it's almost time to wake everyone up. SO it may very well be that my good start gets interrupted. But I had 50 minutes. And that's not bad. ;-)

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