Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My trip to the Desert

Last night I left late on purpose for Ricardo and Leon's game as Minnesota is just being teased by a Spring that is not really sure it wants to show up. I figured I would be cold. I mean we had a huge snow storm eight days before. But I didn't realize how cold, and I certainly did not count on being in a cold desert with the wind blowing dust into my face.

It took me a while to find which field the boys were on, and it had been my intention to catch the last 15 minutes of the game. But the first game had gone long and so I ended up getting there at the top of the 2nd inning. I like watching my kids play sports, but baseball is not my favorite. Part of the problem is that at that age, it is mostly a pitching game, because there are so few hits. So it's all about balls and strikes and if your son is not the pitcher or the catcher, it isn't exactly action packed. Even at shortstop and third base, I'm not sure that Ricardo or Leon touched the ball (except during warmups) more than two or three times each (if you count the times Leon ran after a foul ball).

So I sat in the stands, shivering, with the wind whipping around me. By the time the hour and fifteen minutes had passed, I had dirt in my eyes, grit permanently etched in my teeth, and sand caked in my ears.

BUT, the smile on his face when I said the standard Mom phrase, "OK, Leon, come on now, you can do it buddy" as he went up to bat made it all worth while.

I drove them threw Burger King for supper (I know, I know, not healthy -- but hey, I came home and made a sandwich). They weren't really very cooperative for my after-the-game shots, but I know they were glad I was there.

And it is those short moments, a smile, a thank you, a look of surprise or pleasure, that make all the rest of the not so great moments disappear. An oasis in the desert of parenting special needs kids, giving us just enough refreshment that we feel like we can go on.


  1. Baseball is not your favorite??? Have you bumped you head or something? I'm SHOCKED. Baseball makes the world go 'round girlfriend.

  2. my 2 adult sons were l8 months apart, so always, always, on 2 different leagues. i spent years, 5 times a week between the 2, freezing my you know what off. welcome to the sports world!!!!!! although, now that they are grown, i am sooo glad i have those memories. and so do they.
