Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well, unfortunately for John, but not so unfortunate for me (feeling selfish all the sudden) Bart and I have a speaking engagement this afternoon and will not be attending John's hearing. I was dreading it, and now I cannot attend, so that is good.

AND we got a phone call this afternoon that Mike's jury trial for stealing our car (for which we had been served subpoenas from both sides) has been cancelled because he pled guilty and the whole thing is now over. He will be sentenced at a later date, but we do not have to appear, we do not have to testify, we don't even have to worry about it any more.

And while there is a whole lot of sadness about the fact that jail is sometimes the only solution that society has for people like Mike, and there is the unfortunate grieving that comes from watching him throw his life away, for this moment I'm just being selfish. And I'm glad that I can spend tomorrow doing something besides going to court.

I was dreading April because we had 4 court hearings. One of them is over. Two of them we're not going to. And the last one is a happy occasion.

So I am relieved and I am selfishly happy.

I am not happy for MIke, but I'm happy for me. I carry the sadness for MIke every day, but today I am going to just experience the happiness for myself for today. I hope that's ok.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad for the good bits of news, and sorry for the bad.

