Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Things

It has been a long time since I have been able to see out of my deep hole of work and other responsibilities. Each day has been a struggle. But recently I've started to look ahead and think about new things.

One of them is getting the book edited and finally published, setting up a website, and beginning to market it. The others I can't share yet, but they are fun to think about.

Today i have big goals and plans of what I would like to get done. However, I realize that I may accomplish only some of it. But i am glad to finally be out of the stage where I can't see the future to actually having some goals and starting to plan again.

By nature I have an entrepreneurial spirit -- I like new things, new ideas, big projects and big plans. And lately the day to day stuff has taken all my energy and I haven't had the enthusiasm to think ahead. Even if I don't make progress, to see those plans as possibilities for some day is at least a step in the right direction.

And it snowed last night. On April 25th. Of all the men in the world, I had to marry a Minnesotan.

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