Sunday, April 27, 2008

One of those "All is Right with the World" Mornings

I woke up this morning content. Smiling even. I am a person who usually wakes up happy -- the words "God's mercies are new every morning" reminding me that every day is a fresh start. And unless someone messes with me, I can remain like that indefinitely.

Instead of waking up crabby until something makes me happy, i wake up happy until someone makes me crabby. And I have now made it 22 minutes without being messed with. :-)

The sun is coming up earlier and even though it's probably only 40 degrees outside, the sun is shining and the grass is green. It looks as though there may be small buds forming on the trees and I can hear the birds. We're all getting up to go to first service this morning because we may be on the ushering schedule, though I don't know yet for sure.

I got a lot done yesterday including a thorough cleaning of my office. SItting in a cleaner environment makes me feel much more energetic and positive.

Last year I took Sadie to the "All Daughter's Tea" at church and she was reluctant to go with me, so this year I had considered skipping it. However, instead SHE asked ME if we were going. So that is on the schedule for this afternoon while it appears Bart will be taking Ricardo to a very cold soccer scrimmage.

Summer is on the way... and approaching quickly. But I am choosing now to pass over that thought as I might very well mess up my own good mood.

We made it through yesterday without any major issues or meltdowns, even though it was too cold for anyone to spend much time outside. Then last night Sadie and Wilson decided to cook dinner and serve it restaurant style. They were so cute -- made menus and served us at the table one by one. Appetizer (celery with peanut butter and raisens) steak and rice with pudding for desert). Wilson was (carefully) using a knife bigger than his forearm to cut the steak, all dressed in an apron. We tried to sneak a picture, but they didn't turn out well.

More and more Leon and Wilson are starting to demonstrate attachment. When I told Leon I may need to travel again soon, he said, "Aw, I'll miss you" and last night, WIlson before bed, said "I love you first" followed by, "tell Dad i lllllove him!"

See? It is all right with the world.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you started the day out well and that yesterday went well also. The restaurant sounds nice, I can't wait til my kids are old enough to do that. Barb
