Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Meltdowns

Dominyk is having a meltdown. It is his second major meltdown today. The first one lasted forty-five minutes after school. He took a break and finally went with his PCA and did something but came back and started in again after supper. This one has lasted almost thirty minutes and is going strong.

I talked to the psychiatrist today. She said all we have to do is not give in and he will learn to stop begging. I explained that it had been 3 months since we had given in and it didn't seem to be making a difference. She told me we should hang in there.

I want to send him to her house.


  1. Oh my, I truly hear you. We keep hanging in there - being consistent, not giving in, and we are not seeing any progress. We instigated a rule THREE YEARS ago that everyone may get a drink AFTER dinner as soon as everyone was done eating (this is within reason, if we are eating spicy or very rich foods, we may give everyone a drink at the outset, but it's explained beforehand). Anyway, they know that as soon as everyone is done, everyone gets a drink - AT THE SAME TIME. So, three years later and I still get 4-6 requests during every meal of "so, can I have a drink now?". This was supposed to tame the "drinking your dinner" phenomenon we were seeing when they were younger, instead, they are stuck in this. I don't even answer anymore, just walk away, it doesn't stop them from asking over and over. By the way, they are 4,8,9,13,14 and 15 - is it ever going to take?

  2. if he is alcohol affected, that will not do it. she is dead wrong. what they learn is routine. same response to the same incident. she has no idea what you are going through. you must be exhausted.
