Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Flu Redux

Apparently Sadie now has it, though may still go to school. Dominyk was complaining that he thought his was coming back.

Tony had a miraculous recovery yesterday, up and bothering me by 9:15, so he went off to school, confessing that possibly the reason he threw up the night before is that he had fixed himself 3 hotdogs and six pieces of bacon. Not on my watch. Oh wait, maybe it was. Sunday nights we allow our kids to make their own dinner. Guess he needed a bit more supervision.

I made it through my day yesterday with minimal hassle, which was nice. Today I have a day at my desk and hopefully will accomplish a few of the projects I have hanging.

Dominyk has a psychiatrist appointment today....and Bart has more meetings today than a person should have in one day. I'll miss him as we communicate via instant message most of the day.

Not a lot to report, which is good I guess....

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