Monday, April 14, 2008

Wild Week Ahead

I'm gearing up for a very busy week. I have 3 home visits, 2 of which will involve an overnight stay several hours from here. John has a court hearing (which we will not be able to attend because of a prior commitment) and MIke's trial is this week.

Salinda had another fit last night when I told her no. Neither she, John, nor Mercedes have ever done well with accepting that word. WIth Salinda, she is nearly always appropriate and does what she is supposed to do (in regards to chores and family rules), so she hasn't had to hear the word no very often. However, when she does, she cannot handle it. Her attitude is horrible and she is defiant and mean. It is emotionally exhausting to deal with her.

Last night I was triple-teamed in an onslaught of demands. I had just sent an email to a friend indicating I had had a good day and then, after 9 p.m., it all blew up. Tony decided I needed to burn him a CD, not accepting that it was too late for me to start the project. Dominyk got obsessed with the idea that he I owed him $2.00 and would not let it go. And after the two of them had drained me completely, Salinda popped in with an unreasonable request to spend a school night at a friends who she had been with all but 6 hours of the entire weekend already.

I did not respond well. Fortunately, I calmed myself down and was able to fall asleep by around 10:30. I actually slept again last night for which I am grateful.

Today John's new worker and I are going down to interview him about possibilities for the future. Even though I was down there to see him yesterday and am not thrilled about the return trip, I am excited that something is happening for him.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a thought for the requests whose answers lead to rages and meltdowns: Buy a whiteboard. New rule: All requests must be written on the whiteboard. Mom answers requests only at [pick your times]. Mom can read the requests and ponder them, but will not respond until the appointed hour (so everyone better plan ahead!) and will only be answered on the white board, not out loud or in person.

    Sounds crazy, but sometimes the impresonal-ity of writing the questions and answers helps to deflect the anger.
