Sunday, April 13, 2008

Responding to a Comment

I had this question that came in one of my comments:

Do you have any advice to parents who have begun searching photolistings for children to adopt? We just sent in a request on a sib group of five in Texas.....what questions should we ask? how does the process work? what "buzzwords" should we pay attention to in listings? We are excited and terrified at the same time and sure could use advice from someone who has been there

In reading this I thought about the matching series that I wrote several months ago. I don't remember what is all there, so if I don't answer your questions there, let me know. ;-)


  1. Hi Claudia,

    How does one get involved in Matchmaking with the Adopt America Network? I have searched their website but haven't found any info on volunteering. I would love to help kids find families as that is my mission in life.



  2. This link to your past post is really helpful. Thank you!
