Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Day Dawns

I slept well and a long time. I did not go to the YMCA. I used the excuse that I don't like to leave the kids here alone and went back to sleep.

Even though Cindy had a much harder day yesterday that I did, I feel good and much more able to face my day today. Bart should be home tomorrow, hopefully in time to attend Mike and Kari's daughter Katie's wedding.

I have therapy with Salinda this morning, lunch with her best friend's mom (who Salinda says feels more like a mom to her than I do, so I figure we'll get to know each other and work together), and then Ricardo has a home soccer game tonight, though right now it is raining quite hard, so we'll see if that happens.

I have a long to do list still, though the last couple days I have gotten a couple big projects done, such as Rand's taxes and financial aid. I spent my entire day working on email yesterday and made a big dent in that mess.

I'm leaving to see my parents with Leon and Wilson on Tuesday down in Arizona. I need to be caught up on some work stuff as well as a few family things before I go.

The week has gone by fast.... I do pretty well when I take one day at a time. And Bart blogged a very meaningful post last night. Wish I could write like that. See why I married him?

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