Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where's Mike? or .... What you don't know can't hurt you.

Wow. Our lives are so full of ups and downs it’s just amazing.

Salinda’s therapy was fine. She was fairly noncommunicative on the way there, but on the way home she was acting normal. Odd.

I then went to the court house to file the paperwork to get new birth certificates for Wilson and Leon and while I was there I checked Mike’s status. (there is a computer there where you can do that -- see all the criminal records in a data base). According to that, he had been out of jail for a while -- at least long enough to commit two new crimes the week of the 15th of May. But, since we never knew he was out, we didn’t even worry about it.

I came home and checked the website for our jail in our county, but he was not there. So I called the next county over and he is there, safe and sound, with a release date of October 4th. But he still has several charges pending. So I guess we’ll see what happens later.

It breaks our hearts that this is the life he is choosing. But I can’t help but be relieved that he is fed, clothed, and has shelter and that we are safe.

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