Sunday, May 25, 2008

As We Were Having Lunch ...

I was sitting next between my husband and our District Superintendent and across from his wife. We were surrounded by 9 of our children and five of our church friends. Our service in the morning was great. An excellent sermon, a baptism of our friends, Jeff and Kate’s, new perfect baby girl, and our new sons’ baptisms. Our son Kyle was home.

While we were having lunch, our District Superintendent, who baptized the boys, said, “This was a great morning. Mornings like this I would like to be able to put in a bottle or a box and let all the good feelings and joy come out on mornings aren’t so good.”

I couldn’t have agreed more.

There was some sadness because John and MIke could not be with us and because Salinda chose not to be, but the rest was pure joy.

The kids were well behaved for most of the day, even the ones with huge issues. The people we were with were wonderful. The lunch was delicious. It was just a great day.

A lot of joy for our family this weekend. Often the joy also equals stress, but for some reason this weekend, the scales seemed to have tipped often on the side of joy.

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