Monday, May 26, 2008

No Money and Thus, Nowhere to Go

Today is Memorial Day and we, having spent a trillion dollars this weekend (or so it seems) are quite broke. I have to make a work home visit because it is it last day I can do it before Bart leaves for the rest of the month. I made a bad parenting decision about something small that upset several of my children last night (I said no to something I could just have easily said yes to, and my husband kindly pointed that out after the deed was done). Salinda is still not home and I have to discuss with her her consequences for her manipulative deceptive behavior this week when she gets home.

I’m not feeling all that on top of things this morning, like I wish I was. I have several projects I really need to complete that have been on my “to do list” ever since I started writing one consistently a few weeks ago. One of them I am missing some crucial papers for and can’t seem to find them. I’m annoyed with myself.

So I’m not starting the day feeling great. Everyone is kind of edgy and annoyed because they are not used to us having so little cash flow. Some of them are convinced they NEED new clothes and at the very least, money for a movie would be nice today. But they have no idea what it is like to be poor. We try to give them perspective from our childhood (or even from their own early years sometimes) but it doesn’t sink in very well.

Pay Days are this week, so it’s just a matter of days.... but I’m responsible for meals for the next four days. I’m going to have to get really creative.... But I’ll turn it into an adventure... and we’ll see what we can find to eat. Bart always has the house well stocked with food... So we’ll have to make do. Our kids start screaming “there’s nothing in the house to eat” as soon as the chips and frozen pizzas are gone, so I’ll prove to them that we can eat all kinds of stuff without having to go to the store.

I hope.


  1. I admire that you are always so frank about your parenting mistakes.

  2. I just don't feel like going to the grocery store, so I'm having a contest with myself to see how long we can go without grocery shopping. We're having baked chicken tenderloins, 2 packs of Ramen noodles & edamame for supper tonight.

    Angela :-)
