Saturday, May 17, 2008

Back to "List Mode"

After a week of being able to get absolutely nothing done, I am back to list mode. There is so much to do around here. I“m busy making my list. Just the details of the kids alone is overwhelming. So many appointments to juggle, especially this time of year when everyone has a picnic on this day and they need a lunch, and an outing where they need a drink for this other thing, and can we bring snacks to this, and make sure you don’t forget to bring swim trunks to this.... My head is spinning going through the papers they brought home from school this week.

I was cleaning the kitchen this morning and realized that the boys in the living room were intensely involved in something on TV. Since I am seldom up there (it’s usually Bart in the kitchen monitoring activity) I was interested to see what they were so involved in. So I I tuned into listen to the content, and apparently it was an educational show talking about bedbugs and bacteria. They were fascinated! But the house was being filled with exclamations like, ”EEEEEW.“ and ”SICK!“ and ”Gross“ over and over and over again. It was like a chorus of exclamations. Apparently bedbugs carry a lot of bacteria.

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