Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hours away from the Computer

Bart left this morning to go out of town. So very sorry to see him go. I've needed him to be around. Fortuately, he took Tony and Jimmy, so that was a nice relief.

Our friends Sue, Tim and Sarah came over so that Sue could sew up our couches that have been ripped up. A couple weeks ago I started making a list of things in the house that needed to be repaired, replaced, or redone. Sue is our volunteer seamstress, so she offered to come fix them. Sue came first alone and it took her almost 3 hours. Before Tim and Sarah arrived, I laid on the couch and let her give me some therapy for a while while she worked for me. I've been excessively emotional lately, but miraculously I didn't cry during our "therapy session". Later Tim and Sarah got here and we played cards. It was a fun afternoon AND I got free therapy AND I got my couches fixed. Thanks Sue!

I haven't gotten much done on my to do list today, but I have stayed away from the computer so far. When I have been here I've done silly things like check my site meters to see who is reading my blogs (something I used to do obsessively back when I first started blogging) and checking my facebook (hooked up with an old friend from 1978 today!). And I've been looking at old blogs that I used to read and some websites that haven't been updated in years to see if maybe people have started updating them again. Most of them haven't. Like YOU Michele ... February 2006 was your last post. Hello!!!

It's been an amazingly quiet and lazy day today. Dominyk spend the afternoon with a PCA and with Tony and Jimmy gone with Bart and Salinda at a friends, I've had very low stress which is nice.

I'm responsible for dinner again -- but we're going to have leftover beans from Saturday in Nachos. Yummy. (but I'll have a very small portion, promise).

OK, enough for now..... need to start that list I mentioned earlier today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love your blog :o)

    As a mother of a child with special needs, I admire people like you.

    I am definately going to add you to my list of blogs I read.

    Thank you for sharing your stories.
