Saturday, May 31, 2008

Calling It a Night

I had this whole post done and then my program messed up and I had to restart it. I hate it when that happens.

Here is how we are ending our day:

  • Our family was invited over to Mike and Kari’s for wedding reception leftovers tonight. When people need food eaten, inviting our family, made up of several teenage boys, is always a good plan. The picture is of Mike, the redneck, determined to enjoy the porch he build with his own two hands, regardless of the fact that the rest of us went inside to get out of the rain.

  • Bart and I took a walk. We got interrupted twice. The first time we had to go back to deal with a wayward child. The second time we the call on Bart’s cell began with, “I’m not sure if this is an emergency or not.” Needless to say, we dealt with that when we came home.

  • We got a letter from our Mike who is in jail tonight. Bart blogs eloquently about it here.

  • Salinda has been appropriate and almost nice for four straight days and thus will be ungrounded starting tomorrow. She is very glad. I am too.

  • Theresa blogged about my New Month’s Resolution idea. It’s fun to see it catching on. If you decide to make a Resolution for the month of June, post it on your blog if you have one, and send me the link and I’ll place it here. (more blog traffic, hint, hint, hint).

  • Time to call it a night!

1 comment:

  1. claudia, your husband is just the most loving, wonderful dad i have ever met in my life. i feel certain i am not interpreting this wrong!!!!!!!!!!
