Sunday, June 01, 2008

If You Could Only Be Here Now to Experience This

For some reason our smoke alarms are malfunctioning or something. It seems to be triggered by the moisture and heat from the shower. It went off on Saturday morning at 1 a.m. It went off last night at 11. It went off this morning at 7:30. And it won’t be squelched. Of course, there are two that are interconnected some how and they both go off. They screech and even removing the batteries doesn’t help for some reason. Very annoying. It is going off right now and it sets everyone, especially the dog, on edge.

Otherwise we had an uneventful evening. We have church this morning and then not much planned today, but I hope to go to the Y and inspired, by Cindy and Linda, I want to declutter my bedroom closet. I need to be caught up with a few work things before I leave for Arizona Tuesday.

I also plan to come back with a more structured plan for the summer. I believe i am going to have to work at the kitchen table, as eating and cooking, now, without permission is out of control around here. My office is too far away from the TV and the fridge for me to monitor what is happening, and lately I’ve been catching kids watching some pretty nasty stuff on there and some are eating all the time, wasting a great deal of food that doesn’t get eaten.

But I can’t imagine being able to accomplish anything in the midst of it all. SIgh..


  1. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Hey, I'm in AZ. What will you be doing while here - work or family? In any case, the weather is still great - enjoy your trip - think of me here, in the same state and still in the trenches.......

    Theresa - mom to 26 in Phoenix

  2. I have a funny smoke alarm story!

    When I was in college, I lived in the dorm, and one night we were sound asleep, when all of a sudden, the smoke alarm went off. I jumped up from a sound sleep and tried to answer the telephone! My roommate was laughing cause she said I was running around in circles.

    It went off about 4 am, & there was no fire or anything. Shortly we had the Dorm Mother trying to figure out what was going on. And most of the girls in our hall were wanting to know what was going on.

    Then the maintainence man was called, and he didn't know why it was STILL going off (at 5 AM!), so he ended up unhooking it, but by the time we got it to shut off, it was closer to 5:30. For about an hour and a half we had to listen to this SHRILL alarm going off!

    The other girls were not happy, but hey! neither were we! Some of them just never went back to sleep.

    It was blessed silence when that thing got turned off!
