Sunday, May 18, 2008

Crazy Day Ahead

We have a wild day ahead. I won't have to worry about cutting back my time at the computer today for sure. I'll hardly be home. After church this morning we are going to a picnic to celebrate a very cool adoption that I was a part of and then will be leaving at 2:30 to head to a soccer game in the Cities. We won't return home from that event until almost bedtime.

I'm having to think of creative ways to get in some exercise today. And I'm already dreading interractions with Salinda. But Lisa's comment is exactly right. I have not been parenting her well. Hopefully will soon have the emotional stamina necessary to face her head on and deal with some of this. I''m already stressing about whether or not she will be to church and on time. If not, it will begin several hours of her punishing me because she screwed up.

I am usually a very very strong person and I hate it when I am not on top of my game. But I am confident that I'm heading in the right direction.

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