Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weekend nights

Friday and Saturday nights are stressful for me. I have spent many of these nights worrying about Salinda. She is not organized at all and often is not where she says she is. She is due home tonight at midnight, but she hasn't let me know if she has a ride or not and I certainly don't want to try to go to sleep wondering if she will call and wake me up. But, with good old Tylenol PM maybe I'll be able to fall asleep anyway (and for those of you who are worried, I don't plan on relying on this sleep aid for more than a week. I've taken it 3 nights so far. I most likely won't take it again after tonight because Bart will be here.

For some reason, having my husband here makes a big difference in me controlling my anxiety when Salinda is not home. On Saturday nights especially I am used to having support.... two is always better than one you know. I miss him.

Bart is never gone on Saturdays. In fact, this is the first time we've not been together on a Saturday night in .... wow.... a long time.

Oh well, I'll survive. Late breaking news, as I am writing this, is that Salinda is attempting to manipulate me into letting her spend the night where she is. I might just say yes so I don't have to lose sleep. In fact, I think I will. If she blows it and is late to church tomorrow, i can use that to say no next time. And if she does do it, I can use it the next time she says "you NEVER let me do anything."

Good plan. I feel better already. Going to call Bart and then call it a night.

1 comment:

  1. You need to start compiling a list of all the things you let Salinda do and just hand it to her when she says you NEVER let her do anything. Maybe put an asterisk next to all of the times she messed up and wasn't where she said she'd be or came in late or whatever....she needs to start taking responsibility for her own happiness. It sounds like everything is always going to be your fault if she doesn't get her own way. Also, at my house, if the kids are being hateful to me or each other that tells me that they cannot be around friends or outsiders because of their inability to be kind - and they had better be nice to everyone for awhile before asking for a privilege, not just a few hours before they want to go somewhere. I know you need a break from her, but please consider the message you're sending to her by allowing her so many privileges when she is the one being unorganized and difficult.
