Saturday, May 10, 2008

Everyone is Basically Cooperating with Me Right Now and I'm Not Really Sure how to Respond

Tony cleaned his room, alone, without help this morning, and I only mentioned it once. This is the first time he has done this without extreme opposition and he is 13.

Dominyk and Wilson cleaned their room when I only asked them once.

My brother agreed to send my parents some money. I hardly ever talk to him, but my Mom finally retired at age 78, and they are needing money, but not going to ask for it. We’re sending some, and I thought my brothers should too. I caught him online this morning and he was very cooperative.

I expect the kids to be up by 10 on Saturdays, otherwise it messes up their sleep schedule and we have really bad Sundays. I asked Salinda to get up even though she had been awake (friend spending the night) talking until 3:30 a.m. She got up.

I have been to the YMCA and matched 2 loads of socks this morning, and am now sitting at my desk, beginning to clean my office. I’m even cooperating with myself.

Gas and food prices are killing us, so I came up with an alternative plan for Mother’s Day. I was going to take the kids who were home (Bart is taking 3 to see John) to a movie, but that’s a big chunk of change. Instead I am going to host a First Ever Fletcher Racquetball Tournament. I’ve reserved the courts and that way I’ll get my exercise in tomorrow. I’m going for 7 days straight which would be a record for me. I’ve done 6 in one week before, but never all seven.

I don’t know how long cooperation will last, but I“m enjoying it. I’m always open to new experiences.

The only problem is that Blogger is not cooperating with me and won’t let me upload. ;-)

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