Saturday, May 10, 2008

For Those of You Who Have Been Missing the Drama (even though I haven't been)

I just caught Salinda in a huge lie. And now I have no idea where she is. The people she said she was supposed to be with haven’t seen her all day. In fact, she has been using them as an excuse apparently for a couple weeks, saying she is with them when she isn’t.

So now I have no idea where she is, it is 9:20 at night, and I have to worry not only about where she is, but if she will be home and what things will be like when/if she gets here. She is basically screwing up her life right now as she is violating her probation by doing this kind of stuff. I hate the days to come.

I didn’t sleep well and I’m overtired, so that makes it even more difficult.

And there was a glimmer of hope today that Mother’s Day, for the first time in 10 years was going to be an OK day.

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