Monday, May 26, 2008

False Alarm --- Things are Not Looking Up

Very bad night with Salinda tonight. I am still very stressed out even though most of the conflict has been over for over an hour.

She came home from three days of being away and didn't even let me know she was home. When i finally confronted her, she had nothing to say. I told her we needed to talk soon.

Finally, after we got back from Mike and Kari's, which was, of course, fun, and full of good food, I told her we needed to take a drive.

She started well, apologizing for what she did. But when I tried to explain her consequences, she got very cold and refused to speak to me. Then, I of course, talked more, which is never good. It resulted in a barrage of very hateful things from her mouth and she even shoved me once and tried to get out of the vehicle. She blames her family for everything. We are pushing her into doing all the things she is doing.

I am emotionally exhausted. I was hoping to handle this without having to notify her Probation Officer, but by the end of the night she had verbally abused both Bart and I and threatened to hurt Dominyk. She is putting all the blame on me, accusing me of being the reason for all her troubles. I am the one that wants her locked up because I am the one who keeps reporting her to the Probation Officer, so it is all my fault.

The bottom line is that right now she is not willing to work with anyone who is trying to help her. And Bart is leaving for his Annual Conference tomorrow, and if she continues to escalate things could get pretty tricky.

But for now she is calm and working on homework on the computer. I'll have to let tomorrow take care of itself.

I will blog more about this tomorrow, but in his sermon yesterday, the District Superintendent read portions of Matthew 6 from The Message translation and it was great.

Here's Matthew 6:31:

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

I'm counting on that being true tonight. I am simply at the end of my rope once again.... but, I'm tying a knot and hanging on.

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