Monday, May 26, 2008

Things are Looking Up

I accomplished a few things this morning ... including an expense report ... that will bring us in some cash. That makes me feel better. I also found the stuff I was missing to finish off Rand’s financial aid, so I should be able to get that done today.

Still no word from Salinda... Having her to face today is not making me less anxious. I’m trying to remember to control what I can control...

We have an invitation to Mike and Kari’s for supper tonight to grill outside in their back yard, something we always enjoy, so that adds a bit of perkiness to my mood.

I’m heading to my home visit. Dominyk’s PCA is working, which should improve Bart’s day (i’m going up to tell him now).

so things are looking up... sometimes I just get in a slump and don’t have any idea how to get myself out of it any more. But eventually I guess things just have a way of working themselves out.

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