Friday, May 30, 2008

He is HOME and She is Testing Again

Bart is finally home and I am so relieved. For some reason I really missed my husband today... more than usual. And Salinda came down asking to have a friend come over, acting as though she never knew I said that. I reminded her that I had texted her yesterday explaining that and she denied that until I offered to show it too her (the Iphone keeps every text message back and forth until you delete it -- all like a chat window. Very cool feature).

So even though my heart was pounding I reminded her of exactly at what point in time I had explained the terms of her grounding to her, both times. I reminded her that she would be done being grounded on Sunday if she could do what she was supposed to do and be respectful for the next two days. She stomped off ... but I guess stomping silently could be construed as something other than disrespect. ;-)

Very few of the children are interested in going to a wedding. Dressing up on a Friday night in church clothes doesn't sound that appealing. However, the promise of kegs of root beer has Dominyk enthusiastic and Tony has a PCA tonight, so if we have to leave the other kids here we can do that.

We got paid too, so we're heading out for pizza for supper.

I don't know why but I'm lethargic and tired tonight. It's such a relief to have Bart home. I feel like I just completed a marathon.

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