Friday, May 30, 2008

It's That Time of the Month Again

No, not THAT time of the month...

It’s the time where I post kids for Adopt America’s Matching Bash. It’s a couple days that we dedicate just to matching kids with families -- which is the mission of our organization -- but as with any organization the actual mission sometimes gets clouded by record keeping, meetings, fund-raising, etc. So we spend two days doing nothing but matching kids and families and we put off all the other junk that gets in our way.

The week before the bash, I ask social workers to send me profiles. And this month I have received so many. And as I have worked diligently to post them, I have the same feelings as I always feel. “I could parent this kid!” or “wow, they are going to have trouble finding a home for this child” or “there are a lot of families that are going to be interested in her, because she is really cute, but they are going to have their hands full. They have no idea what they are getting into.”

My heart strings are pulled by the need. It is so great. But we are done. I heard a saying a long time ago that has stuck with me. “The need doesn’t constitute the call” and it’s really true. Just because I could meet a certain need does not mean that I am the one who is being called to meet it.

Lately I have found my mind wandering to other things I’d like to do. I would love to have time to write more, to blog more, to network and get ready to market the book we’re working on. I would love to have time to pursue other things.

But right now, I have 12 children who call me “mom” (unless they are very angry and then they call me lots of other things). I have two very important jobs that are changing the world by providing homes for kids, one at a time.

So I have to plug along dreaming of the day I’ll have time to do more stuff.

I just cannot understand people who can’t find enough to do.

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