Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Late Breaking News from the Night that Never Ends

It's only 7:30. Sigh. 2 hours until Bedroom. Another sigh.

Another note from Salinda -- who prefers to spread venom in written form. I finally told her I was done being 15 for tonight and that if she wanted to talk we could do that, but I wasn't going to write notes any more today.

And another episode of Jimmy getting stuck on stupid. He tried hard to suck me into an irreversible power struggle, but I refused to allow him to do that.

Salinda has court tomorrow for violating her probation a couple weeks ago. I still haven't reached her P.O. to discuss the latest happenings. I hate doing court with her and without Bart. In fact, I always hate going to court without Bart.

Dominyk has been agitating everyone tonight, making life less than pleasant. He is sobbing at my feet now that nobody cares about him because he pushes people until they respond and then he doesn't like their response. And then, he wants me to respond to their response exactly how he wants me to respond, and when i don't respond that way his response to my non-response to their response is not acceptable. (Great sentence, huh?)

We had Ramen or Mac and Cheese for supper. Pathetic, I know. I had a protein bar.

Blah blah blah blah blah. Can you tell it's just a dumb yucky night around here?


  1. claudia, not that this is in any way going to help but i do think of you and wish i could give you some magic words of wisdom, but bart is right. however, you need to take care of yourself, you sound so fragile i wish i could give you a hug!! you will get through all of this i just know it.

  2. I understood exactly what you were saying about Dominick! My daughter is just like that.
