Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Think I Tend to Blog More...

When Bart is gone. And this time he is gone and very busy -- in meetings most of the day and evening.

I have already had to go a round with Tony. He is especially bad when Bart is out of town because he feels like he has more control. However, I was very stern with him when he started in today that I was not going to accept this kind of behavior from him this week and for some unknown reason he responded. We’ll see how long it lasts.

Salinda gave me a letter which she intended to be very hurtful. She is declaring that she doesn’t love us and never will. Every part of the letter was designed to make me feel bad. She asked me to respond in writing.

I wrote only one page and explained to her that part of life is accepting what is, instead of wishing for what can not be. Her dream family is a small family with one or two children who look like her. This family would have very few rules and would have low expectations for her in regards to morality and her future. So I explained to her in my letter that there some things that just are. They can’t be changed. Character is learning to live with the things that aren’t perfect and making the most of them. Her only choice is to run away from situations that aren’t her definition of perfect -- either running away physically or emotionally.

I reminded her of her potential and of the fact that we would love her and that she was our daughter...

Now I am facing an evening of parenting alone, something I don’t look forward to. But the kids are being pretty good right now.

Dominyk just came in and said, “Hey, look what C. gave me” (his future PCA who is friends with his current PCA). It was a statue of an eagle. He then said, “He also gave me an elephant. But I paid my respects with it.”

Confused, I questioned him as to what “I paid my respects with it meant, exactly” to find out that he had placed it on the grave of a World War II vet at the cemetery. I wonder how confused the vets family is going to be. ;-)

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