Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mellow Days

Spring sports are tiring out 4 of our boys and Salinda spent the whole night (with the exception of church time) at a friends, so last night was a pretty mellow night around here. Dominyk hasn’t had very many bad meltdowns this past week which is great. Of course, that will spur one on that I simply typed that. Sigh.

Up at at the Y by 5:15 for the third day in a row and I have been accomplishing a ton of stuff the last few days. A to do list is helping and for some reason, unexpected motivation. Maybe it’s the fact that it is finally over 60 and the sun in shining... or maybe it’s something else ... but it’s nice to feel like I“m catching up.

And we’re off and running for another day. I think I’m going to put ”blog something meaningful“ on my to do list today. Bet you’re getting bored with no police activity, court hearings, emergency room visits, drama or trauma...

1 comment:

  1. I'm not bored. I like the day to day stuff, also.

    Angela :-)
