Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Somewhat Successful

By the end of my work day last night I was fairly satisfied. My determination paid off. I worked hard. Made a list. It had 20 things on it, and as the day went by the list grew to 32. But the good news is that i accomplished some of them, so my list at the end of the day had only has 19 things on it. Hmmm. Net gain: one thing????

We drove to soccer in the rain. I got lost. Ricardo missed playing time because of it. He played in the rain. We sat in the van and watched.

But we had great “windshield” time on the way home as Sadie and I had long conversations about life and self-discipline and goals and dreams. Even the boys started listening toward the end (Wilson and Jimmy went along, as of course, did Ricardo).

It was a long trip, but good to get away. And now, the to do list continues to grow...

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