Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mom and Dad's Day Out

Today we are heading for a Day Out, as I mentioned yesterday. It should be fun to get away and do something different, though my endless to do list will haunt me.

I will have staff meeting via phone from the car this morning. I finally found my bluetooth headset and got it working again with my Iphone, so I’ll be able to use that today while Bart drives. I’m trying to break my habit of constantly being on the phone while I drive and have even reduced my cell phone plan to prevent me from this habit... But it sure makes travel time fast. Today though, I’ll have Bart to talk to when I’m not in staff meeting. I’m sure he’s thrilled. ;-)

I will need to recharge today somehow because there are a lot of “Salinda” days ahead. Thursday is the OB GYN (no, not pregnant), Friday therapy, and then next week, while Bart is out of town, I have to go back to court with her because she violated her probation. After she was caught about 10 days ago she avoided all of us for about a week, not dealing with anything. Then she had a couple good days and now she wants her privileges back and everything to go back to normal. I don’t think that is the way it’s going to go. We need to have a long talk, which seldom goes well. I’m waiting to see what the therapist thinks.

Speaking of therapy, I love the fact that our kids therapist is sworn to confidentiality. I don’t see my own therapist, but sometimes the therapist for four of our kids becomes my therapist. My big personal crisis that I keep blogging about without detail was at it’s peak last week when Salinda went in and it was great to be able to tell her about the whole thing. She was very supportive and I was able to tell her things in a way I couldn’t tell others. That “sworn to confidentiality” thing is pretty freeing and in telling her exactly how I felt I was able to understand it better.

So today is recharge day. I hope that it works. Because we have a big week coming up.

1 comment:

  1. Is your childs' therapist really sworn to confidentiality about things YOU say? I didn't know that. In fact, I remember hearing (ok, on TV so that doesn't make it true I know) a therapist tell a parent, "I am your child's therapist and I will honor HER confidentiality, not yours". So, all this time I've been biting my tongue with my sons' therapist for nothing? I have told her before that I am sick to death of the challenges and that we need him to get the services he needs to be independent because he is NOT living with us until he's 30 - he drives everyone I guess that was as bad as it's gotten, but I figured I wasn't saying I was going to hurt him or even wanted to so she couldn't call CPS on me. Good info. to know.....
