Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Seven Months Ago Tonight

Seven months ago tonight I remember being completely discouraged and miserable. It was soon after the "Salinda steals our car and then gets caught and then the police give it to Mike and then he steals it again" experience. I was home alone and so stressed out. I was feeling like a complete failure and as though there was no hope.

As I look back over the last seven months I can see many ways that God has changed me. He brought people and situations into my life that have made me a better person. The things I have gone through have made me love my husband more than ever before and have made me a better parent.

These seven months, as I have mentioned quite a bit in the last few days, have not been easy ones. They have been months of really good times and really hard times. They have made me ask myself the difficult questions that nobody wants to ask themselves.

And yet tonight I am grateful for those months and those experiences. There will be other nights when maybe i'm not feeling this way, but tonight gratitude is my primary emotion.

I have heard Deborah Hage speak many times. The first few times I heard her speak she was nearing the end of raising 14 kids to adulthood and concluded her seminar with this song. I have thought of it often and am hoping I can maintain this same attitude as we complete our parenting journey over the next ten years.

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