Friday, May 16, 2008

My Amazing Husband

It’s been a long hard week and it all culminated today with one of the toughest mornings of my life. The emotional exhaustion I felt is nothing like I’ve ever experienced. After it was over we then had the fiasco with the checks that I mentioned in an earlier post, and then I headed out to pick up kids.

When i returned home I headed to my bedroom and there was my amazing husband, holding a half-dozen roses. Uncharacteristic of me, I burst into tears and he held me while I cried.

And at that moment I knew that I was the most unworthy of women -- so imperfect, so flawed, so difficult to live with -- and here he remains wonderful through it all. I am crying now just typing it. I married him because he was smart, witty, brave, and strong but today I understood more fully how loving, compassionate, forgiving and kind he always is.

We will grow old together, he and I, and I will strive to be less imperfect, less flawed, and easier to live with -- but I will know that regardless of whether or not I achieve those goals, he will be right there for me, no matter what.

And what else could I ask for?

Thank you, Bart. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Bart is pretty amazing...but then so are you, too. I love that he gave you flowers tonight. ~Kari
