Friday, May 16, 2008


The stress is over. Nothing more is hanging over my head and Salinda, ever her so moody and unpredictable self, was in a great mood. She even smiled a few times on the way to therapy AND on the way back. It was a nice change from what I’ve seen all week. She suggested she might like to go with the family to see Ricardo play soccer on Sunday. I almost fainted. I actually received a compliment from Salinda’s therapist about my parenting improvements today, which was unexpected. That made me feel good.

Soon after I got home, relieved that those stressors were over, Bart went to run errands and came back frantic because he had misplaced the bank deposit. We retraced his steps and looked everywhere in town, until I finally found them lodged between the seats....

Stress like that when we are both emotionally exhausted and drained is not easy to deal with. We are just recovering from that and within minutes the kids will start walking in the door. So is our stress over? Possibly.

Or maybe it has just begun.

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