Friday, May 23, 2008

Not Starting the Day in Top Form

Troubling dreams about an old friend caused me to wake up out of sorts, and then I realized that Salinda did not do her dishes last night. Bart had given her permission to go out and I had texted her to remind her to come home in time to do them, but she simply chose not to. Confronting her about anything is so unpleasant. I also have to take her to therapy this morning and spend about 29 straight hours with her which, if she is not in a good mood, will be hell for all of us.

I didn’t go to the Y this morning because I knew I would be too tired to deal with the trip but I woke up at 5 anyway and only slept restlessly for the rest of the time until I finally got up early to shave my legs (OK, so it shouldn’t be such a major occurance that it makes the blog, but it is).

Today I need a calm soothing influence but I’m pretty sure Bart can’t be that as we both tend to get very stressed out when we face a change in routine. It makes our kids crazy when there is a disruption in the schedule and they tend to get very anxious. The anxiety level in our house increases by the minute. We have 30 minutes to go this morning and then there will be a break. Maybe I can pull it together then.

Blog posts like this are so pathetic, aren’t they? But sometimes the whole deal is just overwhelming and this is the place I have to turn to dump.

Feel dumped on? :-)

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