Friday, May 23, 2008

The Plot Thickens

I’m not handling this well. I had to come to the computer just to calm myself down and blog to the world that the girl is infuriating beyond measure. She announces this morning after I write her excuse that she will not be going with us to graduation that some friend I have never met will be giving her a ride in the morning. She is a horrible planner and that is not an option for her. The only things I know about this supposed driver are not good ones. So I gave her the option of going with us or not going and spending the night somewhere else. If she stayed here with Rand, who knows what would happen. Last time she did that (and I don’t have time to find a link) he sat in the living room, all 350+ pounds of him, 6’6“ tall, afraid to confront her when a boy was in her room.

My stress level is climbing and this is not good. If mine gets higher, everyone else’s will get higher. I am going to have to start chanting some soothing monosyllabic something....

I have managed to avoid bouts of crying for a couple days, but I'm near tears now. It's going to be such a stressful day.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure some of her "horrible planner" tendencies aren't actually attempts to catch you off guard and force you to make decisions that you wouldn't make if you had time to think out a response and gear yourself up for a fight?
