Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nothing Has Changed Except....

I slept for two hours this afternoon when I should have been working. But, I now feel much more equipped to deal with the rest of today and will get some work done this evening.

I know it sounds like weird advice that it seemed Bart was giving me, but it may be the best advice there is. He says I need to give up and stop believing that something I say or do is going to make a difference for Salinda. She is bound and determined to do what she is going to do regardless. If someone is going to reach her, it most likely won't be me. And she is going to have to want to get it before she does.

I am sure that there are those who are wondering if it is good for me to be sharing such personal information with the world, but I have been blogging for 3 years now and have been told that many adoptive parents have been helped by my willingness to share how I am feeling about and dealing with these issues. Unfortunately, they are very common.

So, I continue to do so -- during the ups and the downs. And it helps me to share it all with you... hopefully, if you're going through something similar, it helps you to read about it too.

1 comment:

  1. I really do think that Alanon is the best parenting training I have ever had -- at least for teenagers. Learning to separate rules that exist for the protection of myself and others from attempts to make kids be the sort of person I want them to be saved my sanity.

    My favorite reminder joke was, "What do God and a codependent have in common? They both have a plan for your life."
