Wednesday, May 28, 2008

OCD on a Spring Evening

I'm sitting in my office which is right next to the bathroom.

Dominyk has been in the bathroom for 1/2 hour. I think he has been sitting on the toilet the whole time. He may have taken some toys in to entertain him.

He has been singing one line to the same song for 20 minutes.

"I'm the chick y'all love to hate.... cuz I'm bossy."

Over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Fortunately I have learned to ignore him. But once and a while I chuckle to myself as I'm sure that there are very few places in this country tonight where there is a 12 year old boy, sitting on the toilet for 30 minutes, singing loudly, "I'm the chick y'all love ot hate."

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